Yiddish Theatre Project
The Schema for our XML mark-up
start = newspaper newspaper = element newspaper { title, printYear } title = element title { text } printYear = element printYear { year, issue } year = attribute year { xsd:gYear } issue = element issue { date, ad+ } date = attribute date { xsd:gMonthDay } ad = element ad { yiddish, page, show+ } show = element show { medium, title, actors?, venue, performance } yiddish = attribute yiddish { "yes" | "no" } medium = attribute medium { "film" | "photoplay" | "play" | "standup" | "musical" | "theatre" } page = attribute page { xsd:int } actors = element actors { actor+ } actor = element actor { origin?, text } origin = attribute origin { "local" | "alien" } venue = element venue { text } performance = element performance { text }
Sample of our XML mark-up
Summer 1925
<newspaper> <lt;title>The Jewish Chronicle</title> <printYear year="1925"> <issue date="--07-03"> <ad yiddish="no" page="30"> <show medium="film"> <title>"Introduce Me"</title> <actors><actor>Douglas MacLean</actor></actors> <venue>Manor</venue> <performance>Sunday, July 4th</performance> </show> <show medium="film"> <title> "The Talker"</title> <actors><actor>Anna Q. Nilson</actor></actors> <venue>Manor</venue> <performance>Monday-Tuesday, July 6-7th</performance> </show> <show medium="film"> <title>"Super Speed"</title> <actors><actor>Reed Hoives</actor></actors> <venue>Manor</venue> <performance>Wednesday, July 8th</performance> </show> <show medium="film"> <title>"The Way of a Girl"</title> <actors><actor>Elinor Boardman</actor></actors> <venue>Manor</venue> <performance>Thursday, July 9th</performance> </show> <show medium="film"> <title>"The Shock Punch"</title> <actors><actor>Richard Dix</actor></actors> <venue>Manor</venue> <performance>Friday, July 10</performance> </show> </ad> <ad yiddish="no" page="30"> <show medium="film"> <title>"The Necessary Evil"</title> <actors><actor>Ben Lyon</actor></actors> <venue>Liberty</venue> <performance> Week commencing July 6th</performance> </show> </ad> <ad yiddish="no" page="30"> <show medium="musical"> <title> Fifth Jazz Week Show</title> <actors><actor>Rita Owin</actor> <actor>Joe Thomas</actor> <actor>Blanche Sweet</actor><actor>Ronald Colman</actor><actor>Lew Cody< /actor></actors> <venue>Loews Aldine</venue> <performance>Beginning Monday, July 6th</performance> </show> </ad> </issue> </printYear> </newspaper>Fall 1935
<newspaper> <title>The Jewish Criterion</title> <printYear year="1935"> <issue date="--09-13"> <ad yiddish="no" page="25"> <show medium="film"> <title>The Tango King and The Darling of the Two Continents</title> <actors> <actor>Carmen Castillo</actor> <actor>Eva Reyes</actor> </actors> <venue>Stanley</venue> <performance>sunday at midnite</performance> </show> </ad> <ad yiddish="no" page="25"> <show medium="film"> <title>Accent on Youth</title> <actors> <actor>Herbert Marshall</actor> <actor>Sylvia Sidney</actor> </actors> <venue>Stanley</venue> <performance>sunday at midnite</performance> </show> </ad> </issue> </printYear> </newspaper>